Saturday, December 1, 2012

TV Detox. Day 1

Letter from distant camping ground of Costa Rica:
So, here I am, arrived in Costa Rica for my 7 day yoga retreat. For the person like me, who is accustomed to the great accommodations, exclusive cuisine, and car services, this will be “SOMETHING” to live through.. ;-)
TV Detox:
No TV. Day 1…
I think about TV at least once every 5 minutes, or even 2 minutes, to be frank. I just want to see those faces that became the “people of my living room” for many years now. We have dinners together, vacuum the carpet, clean the kitchen floors, have tea, take naps… we do everything together. I miss you my virtual family!
So, what’s on TV , tonight , people? I am sad,…
Going to bed now, and who knows, I may write  next best movie plot... in my head.
Oh, boy, I had no idea I was hooked on on TV so much.
Oh, yes : check out my shower. It is  private, but it is an outside shower attached to my eco friendly cabin!

And here is the view from the cabin…. Somehow I think you all are giggling now..

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I’m tired of jingle bells, mass texts and candy canes
And all the happy Christmas songs are driving me insane
… Turkey's burned - your uncle's drunk
Your second cousin's spouting junk
Bragging about some stupid crap
I hate holidays
I hate holidays
I hate holidays

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I cannot imagine someone will not want to know this:…
Iron is a mineral that is important to all body cells. Blood cells especially need iron to make hemoglobin. The hemoglobin in blood cells brings oxygen to the body cells. You can get iron deficiency anemia if your diet does not have enough iron.. This means that your blood has less hemoglobin than normal.
People who have iron deficiency anemia are often tired and don’t have much energy overall.
Iron deficiency anemia may result from:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Good God, this is a GOOD breakfast

Too much anxiety, too much sadness on TV lately. I am looking for some comfort food that will not kill my waist line!

I like the taste of Coconut Oil. I love the smell of it! So, what is Coconut oil?
I use it in my hot cereal. For example, this breakfast dish has the following ingredients:
1.       Organic Oatmeal, golden raisins, chia and flax seed, shredded coconut and coconut oil.
This is very tasty! So, let’s look at the facts:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Beets - wouldn't you know it...

Long time no seen! You probably thought I forgot about you; no, my dear health-thirsty little monsters, I stay on the top of things, for our own sake, even during my busy schedules of travel and school…
I am back with good news. You can make a delicious dinner tonight that will be tickling your taste buds and at the same time will nurture your body with lots of health benefits.
We will make a “Baked kaleidoscope of colors” !

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Five Super Foods in One Easy to make Salad

Travel, work, school, etc, etc….. all that busy life just gives me another reason to go for  the food that nourishes my body. Every bite is a blessing. ;-)
This is my favorite salad. We are so lucky to be able to buy radishes at this time of the year (they are actually in season only early May and June in the parts of the country with the traditional 4 seasons..)
…very quickly about the benefits of the food I am suggesting for your table:

Friday, September 28, 2012

ACV - antibiotic and antiseptic

Apple cider vinegar has been known to treat numerous diseases and health conditions. To name a few, it supposed to slow down aging, ease digestion, and wash "toxins" from the body. And yes, one more : kill head lice; if anyone is interested in that particular property. ;-)
A number of med-researches support what was found back in 400 B.C.  It was discovered that Organic/Natural, Undistilled Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV) is a powerful cleansing elixir and  "a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria" .

Thursday, September 27, 2012


This is not to convert anyone into Hinduism or suggest that the exect details described here truly took place. This is to expend the knowledge of history and cultural traditions. Ignorance s is one of the sources for suffering. Thus, knowledge and awareness are there to offset the ignorance. Therefore, I am making my attempt to bring you the knowledge and awareness of  the world outside of our small lives …. I am sharing with you some Wikipedia facts about the very poplar festival that is taking place in India at this time.
I received this gift from a dear friend from India.

I read the story about Ganesha about 10-12 years ago and it stuck with me for all this time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gluten Free High Nutrition Crepes (pancakes)

Whether you’re avoiding the gluten that comes with the wheat flour or maybe you are just looking for some variety and a way to have a healthy diet, bean flours in general–and chickpea flour in particular– are a nutritious alternative to some of the most common flours.
Gluten-free baked goods often have up to twice the calories and up to 50% more carbohydrate compared to wheat based baked goods. It is due to the fact that MOST GF baked goods’ first ingredients are rice flour and tapioca starch.
However, there is a way to help that problem if you change the rice flour to  bean flours.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Relax: We are eating happy cows!! ; as they say....

I read an article that was published this weekend quoting an interview between the Elephant Journal and a co-founder of the Jivamukti Yoga (New York City), Sharon Gannon, who has over 25 years of yoga teaching experience.

Here's what she had to say about yoga, life and eating principles...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

...I say " I DO YOGA"

I used to be one of those people who thought of yoga as physical practice.
Today, when people ask me “what are you doing?” (referring to my improved body-shape and complimenting on my weight loss) , I simply answer: I do Yoga. However, I no longer refer to it as an exercise. If you still using the word Yoga just to describe the stretching pose, please call it Pilates.  YOGA is not what you see people do on their mat. In my simple words, I explain Yoga as: a discipline and guidelines by which we move in life. That includes our thinking and eating habits. It is deeply philosophical and scientifically psychological.
…it’s NOT A Religion. Yoga is a method to completely integrate your personality. I see it as a path to my physical, mental and spiritual stability.
~ About the yoga eating guidelines:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Learn about the life saving spices

...not all of us are familiar with the "Indian saffron" , so I would like to give you a chance to learn about it and start using as often as possible for the rest of your life…
We are talking about Turmeric
Turmeric: this spice is a member of the ginger family. Like ginger, it is the root of the turmeric plant that is used as a spice. (ground form)
Turmeric has been used for 4,000 years to treat a variety of conditions by non traditional medicine practitioners. Nowadays, the spice is being investigated by medical laboratories for possible benefits in Alzheimer's disease and cancer and other medical conditions. As an example of preliminary laboratory research, turmeric is confirmed to decreased

Friday, August 24, 2012

Would you like something to drink while you are waiting to order?

...........this will be a great discussion, but prior to the start, let's quickly review all the steps we have discussed earlier and move to the next one, step number six:
Step number one: eat more alkaline foods
Step number two :  eat more raw vegetables and fruits, full of digestive enzymes and life saving anti-oxidants.
Step number three:  go with minimum of pasteurized dairy or go dairy-free
Step number four: go with minimum of gluten.
Step number five: Do not combine protein and starch. And...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reduce your risk of cancer: an easy way

It may seem like I give too many termins here, but it is really just to save your life!

Two termins:
1. Heterocyclic amines, also referred to as HCAs, are chemical compounds. The biological function of HCA - heterocyclic amines - can range from those of vitamines to carcinogens.

2. Carcinogenic type of HCA - heterocyclic amines - are created by high temperature cooking of meat.

A carcinogen is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage of cellular metabolic processes.

Meat and cancer:
Rotisserie chicken has 326 times more of carcinogenic HCA as pepperoni!!!! How does the $5.99 rotisserie chicken sound to you now?

Researchers have identified 17 different HCAs resulting from the cooking of

Brussels sprouts are future french fries

Today, I just want to share with you the quotes from the article a friend sent to me recently. This is so promising! You are not alone in your efforts to change your S.A.D. diet (standard American diet.)
At Lyfe Kitchen (the name is an acronym for Love Your Food Everyday), all the cookies shall be dairy-free, all the beef from grass-fed, humanely raised cows. At Lyfe Kitchen there shall be no butter, no cream, no white sugar, no white flour, no high-fructose corn syrup, no GMOs, no trans fats, no additives.
Lyfe’s ambition is to open hundreds of restaurants around the country, in the span of just five years.
The cofounder and chief executive of Lyfe is Mike Roberts, former president and chief operating officer of McDonald’s.

A little bit about Mike Roberts:
He was going to be a priest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Same action - different results? Let's talk

“When a tree is ill there are many possible reasons: bad soil, viral, fungal or insect infection, lack of water or sunlight. When we correct the imbalance then the tree can blossom again.”  this is a quote from a book I read writetn by Michael J. Grossman, M.D on the subject of health optimization.
That takes me back to my favorite saying: ~ we are what we eat ~. We have to follow the natural path in food. The imbalance in our diet is a source to many of our physical problems (and mental.)
Lots of you, and I am not an exclusion, do the same thing over and over expecting different results. If I stop and think about it, I see a huge deal of silliness in that. I hear things like “I eat healthy and I exercise all the time. I cannot lose a pound! Well, … may be it is time to change your “healthy eating” and your excessive working out ? If you do not think so, please feel free to continue and keep on receiving the same results, which, if I hear you right, is the same as NO RESULTS.
You may throw an argument at me like: what about doing the same thing over and over, like 30 pushups a day, and getting bigger and bigger biceps?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Desk jobs are bad for your health

Do you consider yourself an active person?
The amount of time you exercise and the amount of time you spend on your butt are completely separate factors. If you “pump” some iron after work 2-3 times a week, or if you spend 3 evenings a week in the gym on the treadmill ( I hope it is not more than that, otherwise it is relay not very smart), you are still not off the hook for back & hip problems caused by your “chair job”.
Desk jobs are bad for your health. I would guess everyone who has one can attest to the following problems:  posture is getting worse with time, the upper back and neck feel tight, the lower back hurts, and the hips are tight. There may be nothing more destructive to a person’s physical well-being than

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We are too busy to cook!

I made this apple swan for you, just to remind you that cooking is more pleasant when you see art in it. You should indulge in meal preparation as you do in eating it. Take your first step toward looking beyond the fact that you are making  food to satisfy your hunger and see further, deeper. Learn about the foods you are putting into your stomach. The more you know, the more you will enjoy making your meals; even more: you will see an excitement in the process. You will harvest the rewards fast, becoming healthier and happier.

Today’s topic:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are you a “Meat and Potato” person?

This doggy has absolutely nothing to do with the today’s blog. (We are not going to eat it, no worries.)
But, he has the cutest face so we are going to start out conversation with the smile delivered by looking at this adorable Mr. Fluffy that I had a privilege to play with.
Positive energy is good for us!

Today’s subject:
Are you a “Meat and Potato” person? 
I am sure that every one of us has had mashed potato, meat /fish and gravy in one meal. Some of us do it almost on daily basis. If it works well for you, keeps you healthy and full of energy – I am happy for you. But, if you would not mind to improve your digestion system and if you have a few extra pounds that you would like to get rid of, you may want to stop the ongoing holiday menu. Why?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Naughty Night

“Tonight is the Naughty Night”. That was the text message I sent to my boyfriend, feeling excited and eager to start.  In anticipation of the forthcoming delight and irresistible extravagance, I prepared all the necessities.  I have to admit, the next night, and the one after that, was also  Naughty Night.  I cannot defend against it.  I know you will agree after seeing the few pictures I am about to share with you.   

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gluten or not to Gluten?

Elisabeth Hasslebeck was diagnosed with the celiac disease. She is speaking about the gluten free diet in her  book Deliciously G-Free. She found a way and she wants to share it with the rest of those people who need to learn how to live gluten free. Nothing controversial about that.
Kim Kardashian and  Miley Cyrus , on the other hand, credit their camera perfect figures to the Gluten Free diets. ( They do not have the celiac disease, just to be clear.) So, does gluten free diet make you thin and gives you toned muscles?

Photo from US Magazine

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rejuvenation : juicing???

You have, probably, seen the pictures of Alec Baldwin and his lovely yoga teacher bride (now a wife, I think.)
Alec is going for rejuvenation by marrying a young, vigorous, strong beautiful lady. Who blames him?

Somehow all of us occasionally make those “rejuvenation” moves. We either go on the diet, or join the sweat shop at the local gym, or in a case of middle age gentlemen, go for a Corvette or a boat! It is no secret that everyone one of us, in one way or another, constantly, consciously or subconsciously look for a way to rejuvenate and stall the moment, prolong the young life….
It is about recapturing lost youth, health, energy and passion. One form of rejuvenation is being picked up by corporations and offered in a way of health-improving methods called  “detox and cleansing”. I found the link to this article on the blog Choosing Raw : NY Times:  Cleansing from Cubicle to Cubicle
Cleansing juices is a blooming business nowadays. Well, if you ask me, and I hope you do,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Beliefs that make smart people dumb.

I couple of days ago I was looking for something to read among the books in my small library. Unfortunately, I was limited to a number of MBA text books I kept after graduating and my daughter’s Psychology text books.  Boring. I know.  But, somehow I felt like holding a book in my hands and not the Nook, so I had to make my limited choice…  Thus, I ended my selection on WHY SMART PEOPLE CAN BE SO STUPID. I guess that was something my child had to read for one of her psychology classes. … (a poor thing..)
Well, interesting enough, I started to see a connection between the theories discussed in the book and the behavior that puts us in troubles with our eating and exercising habits.  I am talking about the beliefs that make the smart people make wrong choices. Look at former president Clinton, for example. He is a smart man. But, how dumb was it to get involved with the intern? He was in denial and believed into an imaginary world around him (related to Monica), totally disregarding the facts.
Often we fall into a trap of theories and marketing bullying techniques (once again, sorry my marketing crew) without giving the common sense a chance:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Health and Beauty Secret : mineralize!

I have to share with you this one blog that I really adore.  The author is funny. I enjoy my 5 minutes of an occasional one-on-one with her writing. Laughter is important for everyone’s sanity. I hope you find her dry humor as appealing as I do. Check it out: The Awkward Times of MRH.  In her last posting she talked about being single. … Ok. While I cannot help anyone to find “that special one” I can, however, keep you informed on how to stay beautiful, energetic and healthy, which should help in any life circumstances!
In the last posted article we discussed a step number one to your healthy digestive system. Today, we are moving into  Step number two:

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lack of friendly intestinal flora is a root of health problems

Since my yoga teacher helped me to get my life back I have been enjoying my bike rides like I used to before my bad back took me in-line with the disabled people.
Thus: Yesterday, I went on a bike ride on the trail along the Seidman Park , that comes around Pettis Rd. and brings me back to Egypt Valley Ave. 12 miles loop. Beautiful scenery! On this ride, I could not help myself but to stop and chatt with someone.  Since I always keep my phone with me on my rides, I was also able to snap a picture of the family:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Raw Hummus – (Chickpea-less)

It is hot hot hot here! 100F. I am starting to imagine how the turkey feels in the oven. Not good!.
It is so hot outside, especially in the areas with the asphalt and cement dominating the surface , that even the cab drivers started to feel sympathetic toward their clientele. Check this picture out:
A friend got in the cab in Chicago and was asked if she would like an air conditioner. After replying "YES!" the driver compassionately offered this:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Raw Parsnip Summer Salad

The parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a root vegetable related to the carrot. Parsnips resemble carrots, but are lighter in color than most carrots, and have a sweeter taste. When cooked, it has a buttery, slightly spicy, sweet flavor. The parsnip is picked after the first frost. Like carrots, parsnips are native to Eurasia and have been eaten there since ancient times. It can be eaten raw and cooked.  Well, you know me by now, so I am going for the option of having it raw since I want to benefit from all its nutritional values.
...Good to know facts:

The ingredients in this Raw Parsnip Summer Salad are able to provide you the ideal balance of gastrointestinal tract good bacteria.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Yoga Studio or Gym?

I recently went to take a "yoga" class at one of the gyms in the area. I have to admit that after taking classes at a yoga studio for an extended time now, I have felt a big difference between the yoga-studio practice and the gym "yoga class". Just as I entered the gym facility, I smelled the iron, heard the harsh noises of the weights and got distracted by the bouncing person on a treadmill. And if that was not enough to set my nervous system on fire, I was blasted with the loud music. Right away I realized how much I love the yoga studio's aroma of herbal oils, the soothing music, and the calmness of the voices that greet us at the door. I no longer can live without the flow of the yoga poses that restore my body and the systematic breathing that energizes my mind. I had been contemplating complementing my yoga practice with the gym, but now I can say that my last visit to the gym was just that, my last visit. I gotto say: my favorite yoga studio in town is -

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nature: vital life sustaining force

In our yoga community, our absolute dedication is to Nature, its healing power and nature's supreme rejuvenation force of our hearts, minds and bodies.
America's public lands and waters create a foundation of the national outdoor recreation system. Outdoor recreation can grow jobs and drive the economy if we manage and invest in parks, waters and trails.

The Mother Nature is not only important for sustaining our economy but is the only source for sustaining our lives.
Multiple studies found that direct jobs in the outdoor recreation industry outnumber those in the oil and gas industry nearly three to one.
While outdoor recreation supports 6.1 million direct jobs like manufacturing equipment, inventory managers, and retail, the oil and gas industry supports just 2.1 million direct jobs (data as of 2012.)

The Outdoor Industry is the biggest supporter of the Land Preservation and Conservation Alliance (a group of outdoor businesses whose collective contributions support grassroots citizen-action groups and their efforts to protect wild and natural areas.)

Researchers found that any (healthy) outdoor activity can have a positive effect on people suffering from depression and anxiety.
The study also showed that the positive effect on people's mental health was 50 % more than they might expect from going to the gym.
The study, led by Professor Richard Mitchell (Public Health, Glasgow University), polled nearly 2000 physically active people in the 2008 Scottish Health Survey. Only activities carried out in a natural environment outdoors were found to be associated with a lower risk of poor mental health. It seems that woodland and forest have the biggest effect on helping to lower mental health problems: things like mild depression, not being able to sleep, high stress levels or just feelings of not being able to cope. - The brain likes to be in the natural environment and it reacts to being there by turning down our stress response.


I am inviting everyone to exercise in a natural environment at least once a week to gain some mental benefit in addition to the physical benefits.
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Yoga : Meditation in addition to yoga poses

If you think yoga is just for gaining (body) flexibility, stretching legs and to make body leaner, then you are far from the true meaning of this wonderful discipline and you will miss out on the other benefits yoga provides.
Life is increasingly becoming emotionally, mentally and physical exhausting. Everybody nowadays seems to be so busy that they tend to forget to devote some time to just sit back, relax and unwind. They instead build up stress in them. Too much stress then can cause discomfort on the affected person, from a simple headache to cardiovascular ailments.
As my Yoga Buddies have learned so far, yoga is addictive. It takes few practices to learn how to connect the body, mind and soul.  However, after “it clicks” , there is no way one can stop looking for more and more of  those majestic , relaxing , therapeutic moments that yoga brings us.
Yoga is a discipline originated in ancient India. The goal of yoga is to improve health, and to attain a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. Yoga is a discipline of three steps: physical, mental and spiritual.
The First Step is (physical) body poses. I will start discussing poses in my upcoming letters
The Second Step is (mental), Meditation:
It is hard for us to stop logical track of thoughts. But, I really want all of us to master the technique and enjoy yoga practices to its fullest potential.
I thought we should know few minor details:
The discipline (meditation), found in various forms in many cultures, by which the practitioner attempts to get beyond the "thinking" mind (also referred to as "logic) into a deeper, more relaxed state.
The word 'meditation' has been used to name a variety of practices that are different enough (one from another) so that we may find trouble in defining what meditation is.
Some of the earliest references to meditation are found in the Bible, dating around 1400 BCE.
Meditation , is sometimes the translation of meditatio (in Latin), which is one of the steps used in ancient form of Christian prayer. In Latin, Meditatio means ‘to concentrate’. Christian meditation is the process of deliberately focusing on specific thoughts, and connection to God.
When it comes to yoga, we refer to ‘Meditation’ as a second of the three steps of Yoga. That is  when we attempt to becoming calm and concentrated, that is when “one perceives the self within oneself".
When we practice yoga, we have to meditate in a sense of becoming calm and concentrate on within.
Movement Meditation:
The Movement Meditation technique is where breathing and gentle flowing movements are combined Center and concentrate.  We take several deep, cleansing breaths. We center ourselves by visualizing our feet connected to the soil. We draw energy from the Earth.  We gently move our bodies in an undulating motion.
I use music to focus our attention on the movement during our group practices. Please, allow yourself to get lost in the sense of movement and the beauty of your body as it moves. Feel the areas of your body that are tight and let the movement loosen them up.
You can learn about meditation techniques by going this website:
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Healthy skin: Beauty assisting smoothie

Do you want to get your body fat under control and make your skin to look beautiful, glowing and spotless? Ah… did someone say, No!?   That is right, I did not think so. Here is something I have been experimenting on myself, and I swear this works : You will need to give some love to:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Raw Food: Antioxidants

Antioxidants can be found in different foods. I will give you the list of those, but before:....
What is antioxidant in common language? Antioxidants - a term used for referring to a number of chemicals that help protecting your body from the damage from free radicals. What is a free radical? Chemistry 101: The human body is composed of many different types of cells. Cells are composed of many different types of molecules. Molecules consist of one or more atoms of one or more elements joined by chemical bonds. Normally, bonds don’t split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed (oxidation process.) Free radicals are very unstable

Monday, June 18, 2012

Healthy Eating: Understanding Starch and Gluten

Starches in Your Diet
Dietitians and scientists tell us that research based recommendation is that 45 to 65 % of your calories should come from carbohydrate. You should know which carbs are simple (they are a simplest form of sugar and are not good for your diet) and which carbs are complex (healthier choice.)
Because many carbohydrate foods contain starch, we should balance our carb intake between starchy and non starchy foods. If you incorporate the knowledge I am providing you with in this article while making food choices, you will be able to avoid weight-gaining- problems.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Light on Yoga: Ashtanga Philosophy

The Light on Yoga (first published 1966)
B. K. S. Iyengar (born December 14, 1918)

Book report

“The practice of the art is more difficult to communicate than a purely literary or philosophical concept”.
B.K.S. Iyengar makes frequent references to the philosophical and moral principles in his book called The Light on Yoga. He believed it is important for the people to understand the origin of asanas, and he stressed out the importance of following the correct and safe methods for practicing (mastering) asanas (poses) and pranayamas (breathing).

Monday, June 11, 2012

External beauty, as a bonus: Minerals, Enzymes, Raw Food

It is true that your family genetics contribute to the type of hair, nails, and skin you get. But, do you think it is as simples as: you get thin hair because of your mom… or, you get acne prone skin because of your dad or else…??? No, the genes are not regulating the hair or nail, or skin type directly. They regulate the other conditions in the body that contribute to our organs health and functionality. The appearance is the result of the body-system condition such as functioning of the digestive system, internal organ functioning, preposition to certain organ weaknesses. So, this should slowly lead you to a conclusion without me finishing the point; Right?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Raw Food: Body pH; Acidic and Alkaline Foods

The idea that over-acidity in the body can cause illness and disease was first exposed to Western health professionals in the 1930s by William Howard Hay, a New York doctor. He believed all diseases are caused by what he called "auto-toxication." That is when the body is poisoned by the accumulation of too much acid.
The body's acid/alkaline levels are measured using the pH scale on a level of 1 to 14. The lower the pH, the more acidic the body is. A neutral pH is 7.0. To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods.  In a case of low PH, to restore your health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. Let's learn why this is important to know and how this relates to your healthy weight and diet.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Yoga: Stretching and Flexibility: Joint Health

I had incredibly stiff hamstrings, locked-up hips, and a painful lower back caused by the bulging disk at L5. I couldn’t bend forward at all, never mind about touching my toes. And any forward fold yoga poses were totally prohibited for me. I have been going to get spinal adjustments done between 1 and 3 times a week. A whole year of chiropractic efforts were put into fixing my gradually falling into disability body. My chiropractor told me several times to start doing muscular rehabilitation in order to help him to get me my normal life back. Any chiropractor will tell you that 80% of all physical aches and injuries are the result of tight muscles. But, who listens to their doc’s right away? I procrastinated until the matters became worse. I was not able to pick up anything from the floor. I could not wash dishes standing at the sink. Forget about vacuuming the carpet! And I said Good Bye to my favorite activities like tennis, walking and running! Going out with my friends was not fun anymore because the only thing I could think of was my agonizing pain in the lower back.

I am going to skip the details of how I ended up at the local yoga studio, and will tell you this: 6 months later, after doing yoga 3 times a week, I am not in agony anymore. Also, I am biking again. And most importantly I am happier, healthier and much smarter when it comes to taking care of my body and mind.

Today, I proudly acknowledge that my improved ability to focus, the newly acquired skill to feel and understand the body, the stretching exercises and yoga poses brought me back to life.
In yoga class, you’re supposed to stay focused, and expect to progress slowly. That is a challenge for a lot of us. We find it difficult to control our mind from wondering back to the outer world and we want the results now, or at least tomorrow.

I see different types of people coming to yoga classes: one kind that made yoga part of the necessities (like eating and sleeping) and another kind that got disappointed that they could not make a pretzel of themselves and quit. But, what can I say (?), we are all different; and, that is what makes the human kind the way God intended.
However, I want to help those who are willing to give themselves a chance.

Let’s discuss a few things that may provoke your contemplation and may lead you to the healthier life:
Yoga is over 5,000 years old.  Its benefits were proven over and over for 5,000 years. Not too bad, comparing to the 1-2-10 year of medical researches that we all heavily rely on and trust.
Yoga found its way across the continents and it has continuously collecting support from people worldwide. Yoga heals injury or disease,. Yoga re-shapes body, increases strength, flexibility, and balance, and helps to reduce the harm of stress on the body. It is the only therapy that can even help further the patient’s spiritual journey. Anyone can do yoga. The poses will look differently, depending on individual’s flexibility. But, again: anyone can do yoga.

What is Flexibility?
Flexibility refers to the ability to move joints through their entire range of motion.  The flexibility of a joint depends on many factors:
Length and elasticity of the muscles and ligaments.
Shape of the bones.
Cartilage that form the joint.

Flexibility can be genetic, but it can also be developed by stretching.

Flexibility exercise types:

1.       Improving flexibility is done mainly by performing stretching exercises. The most common forms of stretching exercises are static, sustained stretching exercises that are slow and controlled. Static stretches are safe for most people. They involve a slow, gentle stretch of the muscle that is held in a lengthened position for 10 to 60 seconds and repeated about three times. So, for those people who tried Vinyasa (flow) yoga classes and found it difficult to perform every pose,  the stretching poses, performed at home are perfect start.
2.       Another type of stretching exercise is called dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves gradual increases in your range of motion and speed of movement with a controlled swing (not bounce) that reach the limits of your range of motion in a controlled manner. You never force this type of stretch. Examples of dynamic stretching are slow, controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso twists. Dynamic stretching exercises are often performed after a warm up stretching.
3.       Ballistic stretching uses momentum in an attempt to force a joint beyond its normal range of motion. Bouncing-type stretches are ballistic and very different from dynamic stretching because they are trying to force a greater range of motion. This type of stretch is not recommended because there is an increased risk of injury.

I will do a separate letter on a number of stretches that we all should do daily.

How to Increase Flexibility: Stretching and Nutrition

Before stretching, it's important to warm up the muscles and joints. Stretching cold, tight muscles can lead to injury.  It is necessary to perform some gentle joint rotation exercises first (clockwise and counterclockwise) at every joint until they all move smoothly and easily. You can also do some marching to raise your core temperature and increase your circulation before you stretch.
For a stretch exercise to improve flexibility, it needs target the specific joint and provide enough stretch to the muscles and ligaments over time to allow an adaptation to a new, increased, range of motion. When you stretch, you need to feel the tightness and slight burning sensation that comes from going slightly beyond your normal range of motion. By doing so, you will develop a new range of motion over time. It is important to avoid over-stretching the muscles and causing an injury. The recommendation is to stretch to the point of mild discomfort but not to the point of pain.
To develop long-term improvements in flexibility, stretch each body part 3 times, each time between 1-3 minutes, every other day for at least six weeks. Keep in mind that when you stop stretching  you are likely to lose the gains you made.

Can You Be Too Flexible?
It is possible for the muscles and ligaments around a joint to become too flexible. Extreme flexibility may be due to loose ligaments and muscles which may offer less joint support and may even increase the risk of injuries such as joint dislocations. Excessive flexibility can be just as bad as not enough.

You Don’t Get Flexible by Going to Yoga Classes

The stretching should be done separately and regularly at home or in a group, outside of the yoga poses. Most yoga poses actually demonstrate the flexibility rather than develop your flexibility. Yoga is a spiritual practice. You will enjoy the practice more and more with every degree of your increased flexibility. That is why after struggling through several yoga classes, I see some people never come back. It is simply because their understanding of yoga was wrong. The yoga class is not a stretching or aerobic class. We all need to work on our flexibility at home to truly enjoy yoga in a class.

Also, if you really want to increase your stretching flexibility fast, you need to eat less junk and take nutritional supplements every day. We all know that in order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy foods and eat in moderation. Same with improving the flexibility: you will need to stretch the right way and regularly, and supply your body with the right nutrients.

These are ingredients that enhance clarity and lightness, keeping the body light and nourished and the mind clear. Healthy oils, legumes, whole grains, vegetable, fruits, and vegetable again.  Less salt, no sugar, no fatty animal foods. What you need at this moment in your life may be very different from what you needed five years ago or will need five years from now. Listen to your body; follow the path that makes you feel better, lighter, and healthier. Many people name AHIMSA , first YAMA, ( ), the yogic precept of non-harming, as an influence on their dietary choices. My personal take on this lead me to the following choices: grains, vegetables, fruits, some fish, and cultured milk products. I mainly eat organic, if possible, local, seasonal whole foods. If you chose to eat meats, my only recommendation is to buy it with great care, choosing only organically and humanely produced meats.


You may want to print this list and take it to your favorite Health Food Store and ask the sales associate for help to locate the best product containing the following:

Vitamin C
Take v C supplement daily. Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system, fight free radicals, and it also plays a key role in regeneration of tissues.
Recent studies suggest that MSM and Vitamin C work synergistically to boost the immune system, fight aging, and reduce recovery time.

The glucosamine naturally occurs in the body. As a supplement, it is used to relieve joint pain, re-grow cartilage and delay the progression of joint damage caused by conditions like arthritis.

The MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is special biological sulfur derived from foods like fruits, vegetables and meats. It provides a dietary source of sulfur necessary to life. Supplements containing MSM may benefit the joints, improving strength and flexibility, reducing swelling and stiffness and improving circulation. It is beneficial for allowing fluid to pass through tissues, balancing pressure and eliminating the source of pain.  MSM acts as a powerful antioxidant and healing source of natural sulfur. The sulfur is found in every cell of our bodies; it is an essential building block for promoting elasticity, strength, and the general health of our bodies’ tissues.

Triple Green Blend
1.       Spirulina (fresh water algae) – delivers a whopping dose of B vitamins, Iron, and the essential fat, GLA.
2.       Chlorella (fresh water algae) – is packed with chlorophyll, also known as “the blood of plants,” and is believed to have powerful blood/body cleansing properties.
Chlorella is known to boost energy and aid in the natural elimination of heavy metals and other toxins from the body as well.
3.       Barley Grass Juice Extract, the ultimate green food, is excellent for stretching students because of its high levels of beta-carotene, calcium, and iron.

Pomegranate Extract Supplements
The Pomegranate was used for centuries to treat inflammatory diseases. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis occasionally use supplements containing pomegranate extract.

Trace minerals like:
1.       cobalt,
2.       selenium,
3.       magnesium,
4.        zinc : all play a vital role in dozens of metabolic processes such as tissue growth, healthy metabolism, and proper water retention.

Anti-inflammatory Medications
The anti-inflammatory medications are helpful for decreasing pain and inflammation of the joints. They are especially beneficial for those with conditions affecting the joint. Over-the-counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen are recommended. Long-term use, however, can result in stomach bleeding and liver problems. So, take those only when you really need to relive the pain and reduce inflammation.

I hope, after reading my letter, you will do your stretching, stay patient, and pay more attention to nutrition. Improve your chance to have a healthier life. And eventually, you will start making those so desirable, liberating and enjoyable “body-pretzels” in yoga classes!
