Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Same action - different results? Let's talk

“When a tree is ill there are many possible reasons: bad soil, viral, fungal or insect infection, lack of water or sunlight. When we correct the imbalance then the tree can blossom again.”  this is a quote from a book I read writetn by Michael J. Grossman, M.D on the subject of health optimization.
That takes me back to my favorite saying: ~ we are what we eat ~. We have to follow the natural path in food. The imbalance in our diet is a source to many of our physical problems (and mental.)
Lots of you, and I am not an exclusion, do the same thing over and over expecting different results. If I stop and think about it, I see a huge deal of silliness in that. I hear things like “I eat healthy and I exercise all the time. I cannot lose a pound! Well, … may be it is time to change your “healthy eating” and your excessive working out ? If you do not think so, please feel free to continue and keep on receiving the same results, which, if I hear you right, is the same as NO RESULTS.
You may throw an argument at me like: what about doing the same thing over and over, like 30 pushups a day, and getting bigger and bigger biceps?
My answer to that – you really are getting the same results over and over. Those are simply piling up on the top of each other and giving you a progressive increase in the muscle mass. So, we are back to the same conclusion; same action will produce the same results. Only in this case, the results are favorable. But, in a case when they are unfavorable, why would you continue the same action???
Can I convince you to love Eggplant from now on, as a change to your “healthy eating ‘ habits?

The eggplant originates in India where it grew wild, and was first cultivated in China.
Eggplant appears to play a special role in the treatment and prevention of a number of very serious conditions: cancer, over-weight, skin problems. Eggplant has been found to be especially useful in the treatment of colon cancer due to the high amount of fiber found within eggplant. It has the tendency to absorb toxins and chemicals that can lead to the development of colon cancer. It is a useful tool for people who are trying to lose weight. The Mayo Clinic and American Diabetes Association recommend an eggplant based diet as a choice for management of type 2 diabetes. Eggplant is loaded with vitamins and minerals and Chlorogenic Acid (the dominant antioxidant.) Also, Nasunin is an antioxidant compound found in the peels of eggplant. So, we will have to keep the peel ON!
Eggplant is also rich in minerals, boasting a large quantity of potassium (230 mg in 100 g of eggplant) , magnesium, calcium and phosphorous.
On the Glycemic Index Scale, eggplant has a low GI of 15.
I use this vegetable in my weekly menu at least twice. Please do not be shy and grab the eggplant from the produce shelves next time you are grocery shopping!
Here is one variation of how to make a delicious mini veggie sandwiches for dinner:
Sauté the following veggies and a pear (yes, you are reading this right; a fruit - pear )

1. Pear

1. mushrooms
2. onion
3. tomato
4. eggplant (do not peel)
5. add parsley just at the end
6. spices : as you are pleased!
Steer veggies and add some Vegetable broth to make this “juicier”.

Toast thin slices of your favorite multi grain or gluten free bread and load the veggie on the top. Enjoy !

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