Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reduce your risk of cancer: an easy way

It may seem like I give too many termins here, but it is really just to save your life!

Two termins:
1. Heterocyclic amines, also referred to as HCAs, are chemical compounds. The biological function of HCA - heterocyclic amines - can range from those of vitamines to carcinogens.

2. Carcinogenic type of HCA - heterocyclic amines - are created by high temperature cooking of meat.

A carcinogen is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage of cellular metabolic processes.

Meat and cancer:
Rotisserie chicken has 326 times more of carcinogenic HCA as pepperoni!!!! How does the $5.99 rotisserie chicken sound to you now?

Researchers have identified 17 different HCAs resulting from the cooking of
muscle meats that may pose human cancer risk.
!!!Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) found in cooked and especially burned meat are known as carcinogens!!!

Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics Institute (NCI) found a link between individuals with stomach , colorectal, pancreatic and breast cancer and the consumption of cooked meat. The higher occurrence of cancer was associated with high intakes of well-done, fried, or barbecued meats.

While I support vegetarian diet, I have to mention to you that:
Research has shown that an olive oil, lemon juice and garlic marinade cut HCA levels in chicken by as much as 90%. Six hours of marinating in beer or red wine cut levels of two types of HCA in beef steak by up to 90%. However, researchers emphasized
, without any basis, that "It may seem appetizing to marinate steak in beer or wine, but this will have a minimal impact on the effect of the meat on your cancer risk and the best way to reduce your risk of cancer from eating red meat is to eat less of it overall!
Here are some article that you can read to gain more education on the subject:

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