...........this will be a great discussion, but prior to the start, let's quickly review all the steps we have discussed earlier and move to the next one, step number six:
Step number one: eat more alkaline foods
Step number two : eat more raw vegetables and fruits, full of digestive enzymes and life saving anti-oxidants.
Step number three: go with minimum of pasteurized dairy or go dairy-free
Step number four: go with minimum of gluten.
Step number five: Do not combine protein and starch. And...
Step number six: do not drink water with your meals and do not drink coffee just before or after your meals.
Possibly.. You know that your digestive tract is 30 foot long. But do you know that it holds hundreds of health solutions? Nearly 90% of our health problems come from mistreating your gut. If you don't digest your food properly, your cells don't get what they need to function optimally.
I love my marketing friends, as I have said it in the past, but I see some evil in marketing. Why (?), because many companies find a way to market their product to meet your cravings and not necessarily mind your health. All those power bars and granola bars, and coconut drinks, vitamin enriched serials, animal products, high protein diet ideas and more – all have been “served” to you with a twist so you think you are in the “good hands” when you buy or follow it…
Your 30-foot-long digestive system is responsible for delivering the components of what you feed into your body. Can I ask you what you eat? Were you convinces that the high protein diet is the best for your health and body weight? Are you eating those high protein bars?
Most people are not digesting the protein in their diets, which leads to a range of problems like buildup of toxins, aging, weight gain and low immunity.
High protein diets, once thought of as excellent for weight loss, are actually coming under fire these days for the adverse effects on health.
Studies have found that health risks associated with excessive protein intake (especially animal protein) include: heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, kidney stones and elevated levels of ammonium in the female reproductive tract. Animal proteins not digested in the stomach, reach the intestines, creating toxins and gases that are basically poisonous to your body. This creates an even greater loss of minerals. Ironically, if you are deficient in minerals, your stomach will not produce enough stomach acid -- creating a vicious cycle. Low stomach acid = low minerals, then low minerals = low stomach acid.
High protein diets can cause loss of:
· Water Weight -
· Calcium – (The high phosphorus content in animal protein is one of the reasons calcium could be robbed from your bones. Also, protein is an acid-forming food, so a high protein diet creates more acidic blood. Just like eating too much sugar, eating too much protein can cause osteoporosis as the blood tries to become more alkaline, robbing calcium from your bones.)
· Energy - over time, a high protein diet can cause loss of energy.
· Sleep
· Wellbeing – (feel heavy or tense )
Balance in diet is one of the key principles of health and healing! The 80/20 is an important guideline for how much protein to include in your diet. 80% of your meal should be non-starchy land and/or ocean vegetables and the remaining 20% should be protein (or a grain.). Always go for vegetables, and add fermented vegetables, like Sauerkraut (sour cabbage) to create a healthy inner ecosystem and improving your vitality. Friendly bacteria and yeast must be present in your intestines to convert toxic byproducts from the protein back into useful amino acids.
How to keep your digestive system healthy:
1. Choose high quality, fresh and organic foods.
2. Chew thoroughly because the digestion of the cabs and starches starts in your mouth with saliva and enzymes. DO NOT DRINK WATER WITH YOUR MEALS.
3. Eat Rare or Raw Protein - Meat that is fully cooked is very difficult to digest. If you are willing to eat your animal protein rare or raw, like salmon or tuna sashimi, you will find it much easier to digest.
4. TEST and Understand the importance of hydrochloric stomach acid (HCI) because the stage-two digestion happens in your stomach. . The stomach acid is responsible for triggering enzyme (pepsin) for breaking down the proteins. Heartburn and gas results from too little HCI (acid), Not too much acid, as many of us think. If you don’t have enough stomach acid to break down food, all your careful (and expensive) supplementation and meal preparation will be ineffective. With age your stomach’s ability to produce HCL decreases by about 1 percent every year, meaning that by age 70, your HCL is 70 percent lower than when you were born.
5. Use Apple Cider Vinegar with your protein meals - Adding 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar to warm water and sipping it along with your protein meal is a great way to stimulate HCl for enhanced digestion. But, I can see that not all will go for it. I use my Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar in my salads that I serve along the side of fish.
6. Stop the Improper Food Combining: I discussed this with you in my earlier articles already. The meat and potatoes meal contributes to an inner ecosystem imbalance. A meal of animal protein combined with starch (starchy vegetables like potatoes and/or grains), causes your stomach acid to be neutralized, stopping all digestion. Instead, eat your protein meals with plenty of non-starchy land and ocean vegetables.
7. Keep the proper pH of your blood. We discussed this in earlier articles as well :
7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and more than 7 is alkaline. In a healthy person, they are in balance and work together to maintain health. Imbalances can lead to a range of serious health conditions.
8. Incorporate prebiotics and probiotics. Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother" is an excellent prebiotic, it feeds healthy microflora and aids your digestion. I use it in salad dressings in place of regular vinegar.
9. Hydrate with water: Soda and coffee dehydrate your body. Drinking filtered water, organic herbal teas and probiotic liquids provide energy and hydration. DO NOT EVER FINISH OR START YOUR DINNER WITH COFFEE.
10. Detox: Pay attention to your stool - bowel movements should occur at least twice per day and ideally after each complete meal, so in most cases, we should see it happen 3 times a day. If you are not eliminating frequently enough, toxins will be accumulating in your colon.
Cleanse your colon - everyone could use a colon cleanse! Colon hydrotherapy (colonics) is an ideal choice because water is used to hydrate your colon, sweeping toxins gently out of your body. This actually allows your whole body to detoxify. Releasing toxins from your colon allows your liver to release more toxins, not to mention all of the cells in your body. I do it. And I think You should look into it and get yourself on the schedule!
And with that, I am moving onto the next healthy recipe:
Kale chips
The kale chips have seemingly taken over the culinary world. Google it and you will get thousands of recipes. Here si what I suggest for you to try:
1) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
2) Wash and de-stem the kale (curly). Dry off all of the water from washing your kale before placing them in the oven. That is very important!
3) In a large bowl, toss kale with 1 table spoon of olive oil and 1 tea spoon of smoked cumin and sea salt to taste. Massage the oil into those leaves
4) Bake for 10 minutes or until you see the edges begin to brown.
Serve immediately.
I've tried kale chips (my daughter makes them) they are excellent!