Travel, work, school, etc, etc….. all that busy life just gives me another reason to go for the food that nourishes my body. Every bite is a blessing. ;-)
This is my favorite salad. We are so lucky to be able to buy radishes at this time of the year (they are actually in season only early May and June in the parts of the country with the traditional 4 seasons..)
…very quickly about the benefits of the food I am suggesting for your table:
Radishes are rich in ascorbic acid, folic acid, and potassium ( 8% of DV). They are a good source of vitamin C (almost 30 % of DV) , B6, riboflavin, magnesium, copper, and calcium. One cup of sliced red radish bulbs provides approximately 20 cal.
Walnuts –
Walnuts may be considered the king of nuts for health benefits, with a combination of healthful and high quality antioxidants. High in manganese, B6, and thiamin, the Nuts , in general, improve the health of the lining of your arteries.
Apricots –
Apricots reduce the risk of stomach cancer by 47 percent. Eat 7 dried or fresh apricots per day. If you go for dried, get the sundried and not sulfate dried. (the darker version, not the bright yellow) The organic apricots have higher levels of cancer fighters.
Commonly present at the super markets Dried Apricots contain sulphites. It is sulfur-based preservatives that are added to some food, beverage and pharmaceutical products to prevent discoloration of light-colored dried fruits and vegetables and prohibit the growth of bacteria in wine and other fermented foods. Wines very commonly contain sulphites. On average, 2oz of dried apricots have 10 times the sulfites as a glass of wine, though.
Most people have no problem eating foods containing sulfites, but some have sensitivity to them.
Symptoms of sulfite sensitivity can include skin rashes, nausea, cramps and mild to severe respiratory problems.
The US Food and Drug Administration bans sulfites on fresh foods that are to be eaten raw and requires disclosure of sulfites on the label of processed foods.
Today’ s choice is the delicious Salad rich in supper foods:
1. Radishes
2. Apricots (dry apricots should be soaked in warm water for 2-3 minutes)
3. Green onions
4. Toasted walnuts
5. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
6. Mineral Sea Salt
Directions: Just slice the green onion, radishes & apricot and top it with the toasted walnuts, olive oil and the delicious sea salt.
I love it, I hope you try it.
I am going to try this for dinner tonight!