Friday, August 31, 2012

Learn about the life saving spices

...not all of us are familiar with the "Indian saffron" , so I would like to give you a chance to learn about it and start using as often as possible for the rest of your life…
We are talking about Turmeric
Turmeric: this spice is a member of the ginger family. Like ginger, it is the root of the turmeric plant that is used as a spice. (ground form)
Turmeric has been used for 4,000 years to treat a variety of conditions by non traditional medicine practitioners. Nowadays, the spice is being investigated by medical laboratories for possible benefits in Alzheimer's disease and cancer and other medical conditions. As an example of preliminary laboratory research, turmeric is confirmed to decreased

Friday, August 24, 2012

Would you like something to drink while you are waiting to order?

...........this will be a great discussion, but prior to the start, let's quickly review all the steps we have discussed earlier and move to the next one, step number six:
Step number one: eat more alkaline foods
Step number two :  eat more raw vegetables and fruits, full of digestive enzymes and life saving anti-oxidants.
Step number three:  go with minimum of pasteurized dairy or go dairy-free
Step number four: go with minimum of gluten.
Step number five: Do not combine protein and starch. And...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reduce your risk of cancer: an easy way

It may seem like I give too many termins here, but it is really just to save your life!

Two termins:
1. Heterocyclic amines, also referred to as HCAs, are chemical compounds. The biological function of HCA - heterocyclic amines - can range from those of vitamines to carcinogens.

2. Carcinogenic type of HCA - heterocyclic amines - are created by high temperature cooking of meat.

A carcinogen is an agent directly involved in causing cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage of cellular metabolic processes.

Meat and cancer:
Rotisserie chicken has 326 times more of carcinogenic HCA as pepperoni!!!! How does the $5.99 rotisserie chicken sound to you now?

Researchers have identified 17 different HCAs resulting from the cooking of

Brussels sprouts are future french fries

Today, I just want to share with you the quotes from the article a friend sent to me recently. This is so promising! You are not alone in your efforts to change your S.A.D. diet (standard American diet.)
At Lyfe Kitchen (the name is an acronym for Love Your Food Everyday), all the cookies shall be dairy-free, all the beef from grass-fed, humanely raised cows. At Lyfe Kitchen there shall be no butter, no cream, no white sugar, no white flour, no high-fructose corn syrup, no GMOs, no trans fats, no additives.
Lyfe’s ambition is to open hundreds of restaurants around the country, in the span of just five years.
The cofounder and chief executive of Lyfe is Mike Roberts, former president and chief operating officer of McDonald’s.

A little bit about Mike Roberts:
He was going to be a priest.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Same action - different results? Let's talk

“When a tree is ill there are many possible reasons: bad soil, viral, fungal or insect infection, lack of water or sunlight. When we correct the imbalance then the tree can blossom again.”  this is a quote from a book I read writetn by Michael J. Grossman, M.D on the subject of health optimization.
That takes me back to my favorite saying: ~ we are what we eat ~. We have to follow the natural path in food. The imbalance in our diet is a source to many of our physical problems (and mental.)
Lots of you, and I am not an exclusion, do the same thing over and over expecting different results. If I stop and think about it, I see a huge deal of silliness in that. I hear things like “I eat healthy and I exercise all the time. I cannot lose a pound! Well, … may be it is time to change your “healthy eating” and your excessive working out ? If you do not think so, please feel free to continue and keep on receiving the same results, which, if I hear you right, is the same as NO RESULTS.
You may throw an argument at me like: what about doing the same thing over and over, like 30 pushups a day, and getting bigger and bigger biceps?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Desk jobs are bad for your health

Do you consider yourself an active person?
The amount of time you exercise and the amount of time you spend on your butt are completely separate factors. If you “pump” some iron after work 2-3 times a week, or if you spend 3 evenings a week in the gym on the treadmill ( I hope it is not more than that, otherwise it is relay not very smart), you are still not off the hook for back & hip problems caused by your “chair job”.
Desk jobs are bad for your health. I would guess everyone who has one can attest to the following problems:  posture is getting worse with time, the upper back and neck feel tight, the lower back hurts, and the hips are tight. There may be nothing more destructive to a person’s physical well-being than

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We are too busy to cook!

I made this apple swan for you, just to remind you that cooking is more pleasant when you see art in it. You should indulge in meal preparation as you do in eating it. Take your first step toward looking beyond the fact that you are making  food to satisfy your hunger and see further, deeper. Learn about the foods you are putting into your stomach. The more you know, the more you will enjoy making your meals; even more: you will see an excitement in the process. You will harvest the rewards fast, becoming healthier and happier.

Today’s topic:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are you a “Meat and Potato” person?

This doggy has absolutely nothing to do with the today’s blog. (We are not going to eat it, no worries.)
But, he has the cutest face so we are going to start out conversation with the smile delivered by looking at this adorable Mr. Fluffy that I had a privilege to play with.
Positive energy is good for us!

Today’s subject:
Are you a “Meat and Potato” person? 
I am sure that every one of us has had mashed potato, meat /fish and gravy in one meal. Some of us do it almost on daily basis. If it works well for you, keeps you healthy and full of energy – I am happy for you. But, if you would not mind to improve your digestion system and if you have a few extra pounds that you would like to get rid of, you may want to stop the ongoing holiday menu. Why?