Monday, May 28, 2012

Yoga: Stretching and Flexibility: Joint Health

I had incredibly stiff hamstrings, locked-up hips, and a painful lower back caused by the bulging disk at L5. I couldn’t bend forward at all, never mind about touching my toes. And any forward fold yoga poses were totally prohibited for me. I have been going to get spinal adjustments done between 1 and 3 times a week. A whole year of chiropractic efforts were put into fixing my gradually falling into disability body. My chiropractor told me several times to start doing muscular rehabilitation in order to help him to get me my normal life back. Any chiropractor will tell you that 80% of all physical aches and injuries are the result of tight muscles. But, who listens to their doc’s right away? I procrastinated until the matters became worse. I was not able to pick up anything from the floor. I could not wash dishes standing at the sink. Forget about vacuuming the carpet! And I said Good Bye to my favorite activities like tennis, walking and running! Going out with my friends was not fun anymore because the only thing I could think of was my agonizing pain in the lower back.

I am going to skip the details of how I ended up at the local yoga studio, and will tell you this: 6 months later, after doing yoga 3 times a week, I am not in agony anymore. Also, I am biking again. And most importantly I am happier, healthier and much smarter when it comes to taking care of my body and mind.

Today, I proudly acknowledge that my improved ability to focus, the newly acquired skill to feel and understand the body, the stretching exercises and yoga poses brought me back to life.
In yoga class, you’re supposed to stay focused, and expect to progress slowly. That is a challenge for a lot of us. We find it difficult to control our mind from wondering back to the outer world and we want the results now, or at least tomorrow.

I see different types of people coming to yoga classes: one kind that made yoga part of the necessities (like eating and sleeping) and another kind that got disappointed that they could not make a pretzel of themselves and quit. But, what can I say (?), we are all different; and, that is what makes the human kind the way God intended.
However, I want to help those who are willing to give themselves a chance.

Let’s discuss a few things that may provoke your contemplation and may lead you to the healthier life:
Yoga is over 5,000 years old.  Its benefits were proven over and over for 5,000 years. Not too bad, comparing to the 1-2-10 year of medical researches that we all heavily rely on and trust.
Yoga found its way across the continents and it has continuously collecting support from people worldwide. Yoga heals injury or disease,. Yoga re-shapes body, increases strength, flexibility, and balance, and helps to reduce the harm of stress on the body. It is the only therapy that can even help further the patient’s spiritual journey. Anyone can do yoga. The poses will look differently, depending on individual’s flexibility. But, again: anyone can do yoga.

What is Flexibility?
Flexibility refers to the ability to move joints through their entire range of motion.  The flexibility of a joint depends on many factors:
Length and elasticity of the muscles and ligaments.
Shape of the bones.
Cartilage that form the joint.

Flexibility can be genetic, but it can also be developed by stretching.

Flexibility exercise types:

1.       Improving flexibility is done mainly by performing stretching exercises. The most common forms of stretching exercises are static, sustained stretching exercises that are slow and controlled. Static stretches are safe for most people. They involve a slow, gentle stretch of the muscle that is held in a lengthened position for 10 to 60 seconds and repeated about three times. So, for those people who tried Vinyasa (flow) yoga classes and found it difficult to perform every pose,  the stretching poses, performed at home are perfect start.
2.       Another type of stretching exercise is called dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves gradual increases in your range of motion and speed of movement with a controlled swing (not bounce) that reach the limits of your range of motion in a controlled manner. You never force this type of stretch. Examples of dynamic stretching are slow, controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso twists. Dynamic stretching exercises are often performed after a warm up stretching.
3.       Ballistic stretching uses momentum in an attempt to force a joint beyond its normal range of motion. Bouncing-type stretches are ballistic and very different from dynamic stretching because they are trying to force a greater range of motion. This type of stretch is not recommended because there is an increased risk of injury.

I will do a separate letter on a number of stretches that we all should do daily.

How to Increase Flexibility: Stretching and Nutrition

Before stretching, it's important to warm up the muscles and joints. Stretching cold, tight muscles can lead to injury.  It is necessary to perform some gentle joint rotation exercises first (clockwise and counterclockwise) at every joint until they all move smoothly and easily. You can also do some marching to raise your core temperature and increase your circulation before you stretch.
For a stretch exercise to improve flexibility, it needs target the specific joint and provide enough stretch to the muscles and ligaments over time to allow an adaptation to a new, increased, range of motion. When you stretch, you need to feel the tightness and slight burning sensation that comes from going slightly beyond your normal range of motion. By doing so, you will develop a new range of motion over time. It is important to avoid over-stretching the muscles and causing an injury. The recommendation is to stretch to the point of mild discomfort but not to the point of pain.
To develop long-term improvements in flexibility, stretch each body part 3 times, each time between 1-3 minutes, every other day for at least six weeks. Keep in mind that when you stop stretching  you are likely to lose the gains you made.

Can You Be Too Flexible?
It is possible for the muscles and ligaments around a joint to become too flexible. Extreme flexibility may be due to loose ligaments and muscles which may offer less joint support and may even increase the risk of injuries such as joint dislocations. Excessive flexibility can be just as bad as not enough.

You Don’t Get Flexible by Going to Yoga Classes

The stretching should be done separately and regularly at home or in a group, outside of the yoga poses. Most yoga poses actually demonstrate the flexibility rather than develop your flexibility. Yoga is a spiritual practice. You will enjoy the practice more and more with every degree of your increased flexibility. That is why after struggling through several yoga classes, I see some people never come back. It is simply because their understanding of yoga was wrong. The yoga class is not a stretching or aerobic class. We all need to work on our flexibility at home to truly enjoy yoga in a class.

Also, if you really want to increase your stretching flexibility fast, you need to eat less junk and take nutritional supplements every day. We all know that in order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy foods and eat in moderation. Same with improving the flexibility: you will need to stretch the right way and regularly, and supply your body with the right nutrients.

These are ingredients that enhance clarity and lightness, keeping the body light and nourished and the mind clear. Healthy oils, legumes, whole grains, vegetable, fruits, and vegetable again.  Less salt, no sugar, no fatty animal foods. What you need at this moment in your life may be very different from what you needed five years ago or will need five years from now. Listen to your body; follow the path that makes you feel better, lighter, and healthier. Many people name AHIMSA , first YAMA, ( ), the yogic precept of non-harming, as an influence on their dietary choices. My personal take on this lead me to the following choices: grains, vegetables, fruits, some fish, and cultured milk products. I mainly eat organic, if possible, local, seasonal whole foods. If you chose to eat meats, my only recommendation is to buy it with great care, choosing only organically and humanely produced meats.


You may want to print this list and take it to your favorite Health Food Store and ask the sales associate for help to locate the best product containing the following:

Vitamin C
Take v C supplement daily. Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to boost the immune system, fight free radicals, and it also plays a key role in regeneration of tissues.
Recent studies suggest that MSM and Vitamin C work synergistically to boost the immune system, fight aging, and reduce recovery time.

The glucosamine naturally occurs in the body. As a supplement, it is used to relieve joint pain, re-grow cartilage and delay the progression of joint damage caused by conditions like arthritis.

The MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is special biological sulfur derived from foods like fruits, vegetables and meats. It provides a dietary source of sulfur necessary to life. Supplements containing MSM may benefit the joints, improving strength and flexibility, reducing swelling and stiffness and improving circulation. It is beneficial for allowing fluid to pass through tissues, balancing pressure and eliminating the source of pain.  MSM acts as a powerful antioxidant and healing source of natural sulfur. The sulfur is found in every cell of our bodies; it is an essential building block for promoting elasticity, strength, and the general health of our bodies’ tissues.

Triple Green Blend
1.       Spirulina (fresh water algae) – delivers a whopping dose of B vitamins, Iron, and the essential fat, GLA.
2.       Chlorella (fresh water algae) – is packed with chlorophyll, also known as “the blood of plants,” and is believed to have powerful blood/body cleansing properties.
Chlorella is known to boost energy and aid in the natural elimination of heavy metals and other toxins from the body as well.
3.       Barley Grass Juice Extract, the ultimate green food, is excellent for stretching students because of its high levels of beta-carotene, calcium, and iron.

Pomegranate Extract Supplements
The Pomegranate was used for centuries to treat inflammatory diseases. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis occasionally use supplements containing pomegranate extract.

Trace minerals like:
1.       cobalt,
2.       selenium,
3.       magnesium,
4.        zinc : all play a vital role in dozens of metabolic processes such as tissue growth, healthy metabolism, and proper water retention.

Anti-inflammatory Medications
The anti-inflammatory medications are helpful for decreasing pain and inflammation of the joints. They are especially beneficial for those with conditions affecting the joint. Over-the-counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen are recommended. Long-term use, however, can result in stomach bleeding and liver problems. So, take those only when you really need to relive the pain and reduce inflammation.

I hope, after reading my letter, you will do your stretching, stay patient, and pay more attention to nutrition. Improve your chance to have a healthier life. And eventually, you will start making those so desirable, liberating and enjoyable “body-pretzels” in yoga classes!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Weight loss tips: Chocolate Smoothie: Featuring Cinnamon

Beneficial- delicious – nutritious
Featuring Cinnamon
While native only to the island of Sri Lanka, cinnamon trees are now naturalized in South East Asia. Cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of a dozen species of trees. In Sri Lanka, cinnamon is known as KURUNDU. Cinnamon is harvested by growing the tree for two years then cutting the branches down at the base; and, the next year, about a dozen shoots will form from the roots again.
The bark must be processed immediately after harvesting while still wet. Once processed, the bark will dry completely in four to six hours. Its flavor is due to an aromatic essential oil that makes up 0.5% to 1% of its composition. This oil is prepared by roughly pounding the bark, softening it in seawater, and then quickly distilling the whole.
Although there are four main varieties of cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon are the most popular. Most cinnamon sold in supermarkets in North America comes from the less expensive variety, Cassia cinnamon. It has a darker color and the quills are harder. Ceylon cinnamon is sometimes called true cinnamon. It is more expensive and has a sweet taste.
Cinnamon and cassia are not obtained the same plant. They should be treated as separate foods, both from a nutritional and a health standpoint.
Scientifically speaking, there is only one true cinnamon, which is most commonly called "Ceylon cinnamon". It comes from the plant Cinnamomum zeylanicum. An alternative scientific name for Ceylon cinnamon is Cinnamomum verum. Look for those names on the packaging of cinnamon you buy!
The term "cassia" never refers to Ceylon cinnamon but rather to other species of cinnamon, including Cinnamomum cassia (alternatively called Cinnamomum aromaticaum) and Cinnamomum burmannii. Cinnamomum aromaticaum being referred to as "Chinese cinnamon" or "Saigon cinnamon," and you'll find Cinnamomum burmannii being called "Java cinnamon" or "Padang cassia." The CASSIA does not have the health benefits the true cinnamon does.
Ceylon cinnamon is typically more expensive than any of the cassia versions, and it is also the cinnamon more closely associated with potential health benefits
(True) Cinnamon is linked to a several health benefits. A 2003 study at National Institutes of Health shows benefits of cinnamon in diet of type 2 diabetics. Cinnamon bark, a component of the traditional Japanese medicine, has been shown in a 2008 study published in the Journal of General Virology to have an antiviral therapeutic effect. Also, a 2011 study isolated a substance (in the cinnamon) which reduces development of Alzheimer's in mice. 
In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Cassia cinnamon is used for colds, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It's also believed to improve energy and circulation and be particularly useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body but have cold feet.
Chocolate Smoothie: under 300 cal

1.       1 tbsp Ceylon Cinnamon (cal – 19; fiber 4g – 19%; Iron 4%; manganese– 68%)
2.       1 tbsp ( 5 g ) RAW Cocoa power , unsweetened ( cal – 12; fiber 2g – 7%; fat 1g – 1%; Iron – 4%; copper 10%; manganese – 10%)
3.       1 tbsp ground Flax Seed (1 tbsp: cal – 37; total fat 3g, 5%; fiber 2g, 8%; carbs 2g, 1%)
4.       1 banana
5.       2 tbsp Shredded unsweetened Coconut
6.       1 tbsp raw almond butter (90 cal)
7.       1 cup of Almon Organic (no sugar added) or flax milk (50 cal)
As a bonus:  Raw Cacao provides a powerful dose of antioxidants including polyphenols, catechins, epicatechins and flavanoids.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Healthy eating: Avoid Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables

There are many reasons to eat organic produce. However, we know that organic food is more expensive. It is not easily affordable for all income levels. But, there should be a way to maximize the benefits (healthy eating) while minimizing the cost.  If we can not buy all veggies and fruits from the 'organic shelves', we could choose to purchase organic those fruits and vegetables which tend to have the most pesticides. It is estimated that if a person avoids eating non-organically grown produce in the top 12 "Dirty Dozen" ( you will see them listed below), pesticide exposure can be reduced by up to 80%. (Environmental Working Group. 96,000 studies by the USDA and FDA of the 49 fruits and vegetables.)
Organic food sales are growing; nevertheless, the large share of the food market is still controlled by conventional food. Thus, my goal is to understand and also help you to be prepared with important facts about food we buy.
Below are some simple facts that will appeal to any responsible person.
1. Organic Food is Safe.
2. Health and safety should not be confused with nutrition. While most research can't prove, beyond a doubt that organic food is more nutritious, it is much safer, which may translate to a healthier body, able to absorb healthy nutrients.
3, Non-organic food often contains harmful hormones and pesticides. Pesticides are poisonous - by nature they're designed to kill. Pesticides can cause neurological problems, cancer, infertility, nausea, allergies and asthma, rashes and other skin problems, birth defects and more.
4. Pesticides Can Remain in the Human Body for Years
5. Organic Food is important for the (yet unborn) babies: research by the Environmental Working Group shows that chemicals, pesticides in food and other pollutants cross the (mother’s) placenta.
6. Organic Food Keeps Our Water Clean: pesticides and chemicals don't belong in drinking water, lakes or oceans, but right now most of the water on earth is at risk. The water runoff from non-organic farms and other food operations can deposit pesticides into lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. Many pesticides don't break down in water and may remain in the water system for years.
4. Organic Food Helps Protect Animals: wild animals, fish and birds depend upon healthy plants, streams, rivers and lakes in their habitat.
7. Organic Food Offers Better Flavor: organic foods don't contain artificial preservatives, so they sit on the shelf for less time, and consumers get a fresher, better tasting product.
8. Organic Food is Becoming More Affordable: when people continually purchase organic food it shows consumer support for organics and then companies will try to meet that demand with more competitive prices. The only way to show the government and businesses that people care about quality, affordable organics is to buy quality organics. Your organic purchases now make a difference in the long run.
But, if you are still buying conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, here is what you should know and do: Soak Vegetables & Fruit in Sea Salt Water to Remove Pesticides
Fruit and Vegetables Pesticides are heavily used on much of our produce, and while this keeps insects from destroying fruits and vegetables, it harms humans. The sea salt solution can be more effective than washing produce with water alone. This is especially important for vegetables and fruits which are not peeled before eating such as apples, bell peppers, potatoes and strawberries.
After you get back from the supermarket:
1 . Remove the outer leafs and skins from the produce, (if applicable.)
2 . Fill a large bowl with warm water. Add ½ cup of salt and ½ cup of vinegar to the warm water. Stir until the salt dissolves.
3. Add the fruits and vegetables to the bowl. Wash the outside of the fruit with your hands, or use a vegetable scrubbing brush to wash the produce safely.
4 . Rinse the vegetables and fruit off. Use clean water to rinse the solution from the produce, and then dry them off with paper towels. Now the food is prepared for storage.
OR : soak fruits and veggies on the salt water for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly in running water and proceed consuming (eating). ;-)
And finally, the promised earlier : - “Dirty Dozen”:
This is a ranking of the different items, from the most problematic in terms of pesticides, to least likely to have pesticide residue.
1.(worst) Celery
5.Blueberries - U.S. Grown
7.Sweet Bell Peppers
9.Kale and Collard Greens
12.Grapes – Imported from outside U.S.
14.Blueberries - Imported
16.Green Beans – U.S. grown
18.Plums - Imported
19.Summer Squash
20.Cucumbers - Imported
21.Green Beans - Imported
22.Hot Peppers
23.Red Raspberries
25.Grapes – U.S. grown
27.Cucumbers - U.S. Grown

Well, now you know…
Stray healthy for many years, my friends!