Friday, September 28, 2012

ACV - antibiotic and antiseptic

Apple cider vinegar has been known to treat numerous diseases and health conditions. To name a few, it supposed to slow down aging, ease digestion, and wash "toxins" from the body. And yes, one more : kill head lice; if anyone is interested in that particular property. ;-)
A number of med-researches support what was found back in 400 B.C.  It was discovered that Organic/Natural, Undistilled Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV) is a powerful cleansing elixir and  "a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria" .

Thursday, September 27, 2012


This is not to convert anyone into Hinduism or suggest that the exect details described here truly took place. This is to expend the knowledge of history and cultural traditions. Ignorance s is one of the sources for suffering. Thus, knowledge and awareness are there to offset the ignorance. Therefore, I am making my attempt to bring you the knowledge and awareness of  the world outside of our small lives …. I am sharing with you some Wikipedia facts about the very poplar festival that is taking place in India at this time.
I received this gift from a dear friend from India.

I read the story about Ganesha about 10-12 years ago and it stuck with me for all this time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gluten Free High Nutrition Crepes (pancakes)

Whether you’re avoiding the gluten that comes with the wheat flour or maybe you are just looking for some variety and a way to have a healthy diet, bean flours in general–and chickpea flour in particular– are a nutritious alternative to some of the most common flours.
Gluten-free baked goods often have up to twice the calories and up to 50% more carbohydrate compared to wheat based baked goods. It is due to the fact that MOST GF baked goods’ first ingredients are rice flour and tapioca starch.
However, there is a way to help that problem if you change the rice flour to  bean flours.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Relax: We are eating happy cows!! ; as they say....

I read an article that was published this weekend quoting an interview between the Elephant Journal and a co-founder of the Jivamukti Yoga (New York City), Sharon Gannon, who has over 25 years of yoga teaching experience.

Here's what she had to say about yoga, life and eating principles...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

...I say " I DO YOGA"

I used to be one of those people who thought of yoga as physical practice.
Today, when people ask me “what are you doing?” (referring to my improved body-shape and complimenting on my weight loss) , I simply answer: I do Yoga. However, I no longer refer to it as an exercise. If you still using the word Yoga just to describe the stretching pose, please call it Pilates.  YOGA is not what you see people do on their mat. In my simple words, I explain Yoga as: a discipline and guidelines by which we move in life. That includes our thinking and eating habits. It is deeply philosophical and scientifically psychological.
…it’s NOT A Religion. Yoga is a method to completely integrate your personality. I see it as a path to my physical, mental and spiritual stability.
~ About the yoga eating guidelines: